
The mother with the broken soul rescued yesterday, Is in a awful state she has lumps and tumours all over her body,& one in her mouth, she is blind in one eye her eye was left untreated until today, An ear infection so bad her ear canals have closed, on one half of her mouth her teeth have been kicked out, she cowers she has been beaten repeatedly she is so sad she is still missing her puppies. She has been used and abused, Every single season she has been bred For profit, her broken body bred to near death, her babies sold, she may even be pregnant now frown emoticon She has sores all over her body from laying in urine, she was living on a chain outside for years, prior to being rescued, She is a little broken soul her Spirit is broken from years of neglect & having her babies stolen. She is safe now & her recovery has started.

  • Breed: Jack Russell Terrier
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: To be confirmed
  • Size: To be confirmed
  • Neutered: All our dogs are neutered before they are rehomed
  • Live with dogs: I could live with another dog