If you would like to support the work we do then you can leave the Rescue a legacy in your will.
How does it work?
You do not have to make a new will to leave a legacy. You can simply ask your solicitor for a Codicil form. If you are currently writing your will or it is something you are thinking about for the near future, please consider leaving a legacy to help us continue saving & rescuing Jack Russell Terrier's
Leaving a gift to Jack Russell Terrier Rescue UK in your Will Either by making or amending your Will to include a gift to us you are performing one of the kindest gestures you could make. The process needn’t be expensive, and with the help of a solicitor will be simple to arrange.
We are grateful for any gift we receive, and no matter how small or large a donation is, we can use it to save and rescue so many lives that need us.
We are a Non profit Organization - saving JRT's from Pounds, abandonment, mis-treatment, & Rehoming unwanted pets. We rely on donations as we have no other source of funding. We Rescue & Re-home throughout the UK. We are Dedicated to Jack Russell Terriers Although we help unwanted, homeless & abused Dogs of all breeds.
Our mission is to find and rehabilitate every discarded, broken little doggy soul we can.
Important information
The following information will need to be included in your Will when leaving a gift to Jack Russell Terrier Rescue UK
Correspondence address
Dale House, Fink Hill, Horsforth, Leeds, England, LS18 4DH & contact number 07453261416
The importance of a Will
We will take care of your beloved dog. As valued family members, you should consider making provisions for your dog in your Will along with your other loved ones. Unless your dog is taken on by caring family members or friends, they are usually left with whoever is next of kin. This person may be indifferent to your dog or not have the capacity to care for them, which usually means your dog is passed around to anyone & could end up abused or sent to a kennels or have to be euthanased. Sometimes these arrangements take time, so your dog will be left alone in their homes without company confused & scared. To prevent any of these scenarios, it’s important to have a clear plan in your Will for the care of your dog and to make this known to your beneficiaries.
If you are part of our Life time care Legacy We will take care of your dog for life so you can have complete peace of mind.
If you already have our Rescue in your Will you’re already automatically part of our Life time care for your dog/dogsLeave instructions in your Will Confirm your wishes in your Will to help ensure they're fulfilled. We suggest the wording: "It is also my wish that Jack Russell Terrier Rescue UK cares for and/or rehomes my dog at the time of my death'.